CG数据库 >> DoYourData AppUninser Professional 5.1 MacOS

DoYourData AppUninser 是一款软件卸载工具,它能够帮你在软件卸载的同时,将软件附属的其他没用的文件也一并找出来并进行删除,让你节省空间。

File size: 5 MBВDoYourData AppUninser (was CleanMyApp) is a very powerful yet easy-to-use Mac uninstaller. It can completely uninstall applications, remove associated files, and clean up anything leftover. It can thoroughly uninstall even the most stubborn applications, crashed programs, plug-ins, widgets, and preferencepanes from your MacDoYourData AppUninser also can remove unnecessary language files of applications to reclaim a great deal of disk space.

Features– Support uninstallation of applications that you downloaded from the Mac App Store or from other websites– Completely uninstall the application and remove associated files, including junk files that produced by the application, registry files, traces, etc.

– Can even completely uninstall virus-infected, crashed, or stubborn applications– Support for uninstalling applications in batchesSupported Operation Systems:macOS 10.10 or later 64-bit

DoYourData AppUninser Professional 5.1 MacOS的图片1