CG数据库 >> Ueberschall Dark Atmospheres ELASTIK

ELASTIK – 2,13 GBCinematic TensionDark Atmospheres delivers a collection of sophisticated musical textures that are perfect for creating expansive cinematic tension soundscapes.

With subtly unsettling moods throughout, this Elastik library is the perfect inspiration for creating atmospheric musical cues.

Create Dark Cinematic SoundscapesIn total, the library contains 3.

7 GB of sample data and over 800 individual loops and samples.

The samples are organized into 10 extended constructions kits.

Each kit includes between two to four well-stocked musical parts plus intro, outro and singleshot drum sounds, giving the user complete flexibility to construct extended musical arrangements with plenty of variation.

Extended And Evolving SoundsInstrumentation includes atmospheric synth sounds, evolving pads and expertly processed guitar textures.

These are complemented by a range of ambient drum sounds including electronic kicks, snares, rimshots and various forms of percussion.

Subtle impacts, lifters and other sounds effects are also provided to add further texture.

The loops are up to 16 bars or 27 seconds long.

Original tempos vary between 60 and 110 BPM but, with the power of Elastik for both tempo and pitch manipulation – including the powerful ReTune feature – you can quickly adapt the library content to fit your project.

In addition, the consistent character of the sounds across the entire library makes it easy to mix and match loops between any of the folders to create complex musical arrangements.

Flexible Construction Kits Offering Plenty Of Musical VariationWith a cinematic sound and a consistent sonic signature, for busy media composers looking to create extended musical pieces that set a dark, mysterious or ominous mood, Dark Atmospheres is an ideal source of inspiration.

Produced by J.Holo

Ueberschall Dark Atmospheres ELASTIK的图片1