CG数据库 >> MathWorks MATLAB R2019b v9.7.0.1261785 Update 3 Only Win/Linux/MACOSX

File Size: 4.21 GB/4.92 GB/4.12 GBDescription:Company MathWorks most complete software for computational computer produces; the main program the company that actually Passport is software MATLAB (short for Mat rix Lab Oratory and means lab Matrix) is one of the most advanced software, algorithms and math and a programming language developed generation fourth is possible to visualize and plot functions and data is provided.

Icon and bookmark MATLAB with the manufacturer’s logo is the same as the wave equation, L-shaped membrane and special functions have been extracted.

MATLAB competitors such as Mathematica, Maple and Mathcad noted.

MathWorks MATLAB R2019b v9.7.0.1261785 Update 3 Relase Notes:2114037: Calling blelist or ble falsely returns error stating that Bluetooth is not turned on in macOS Catalina2077280: Outputs are missing, not updated, or briefly appear and then disappear when a section is run in the Live Editor2096102: Unable to create characteristic objects for unpaired Bluetooth Low Energy devices on Windows 10 build 19032088279: Incorrect Code Generation: cross returns complex conjugated results for complex inputs2120831: Turning Bluetooth off after calling blelist in MATLAB on Mac causes MATLAB to crash2083859: Resizing the figure or container components in GUIDE while the Property Inspector is open causes GUIDE to throw an error: There is no Units property on the AnnotationPane class.

2089019: Engine crashes without crash log when attached Simulink creates an error message2061606: MATLAB performance slows down from jcef_helper memory consumption2080070: Crash while exiting MATLAB when started with -r start_simulink2049278: Error “Undefined function ‘isvalid'” for code that calls uifigure and axes in debugger2102738: Many jcef_helper processes remain open on Mac2075476: MATLAB or Simulink files become unusable after adding tag in Windows Explorer Details pane2119247: Multi-valued indexed assignment with at least three trailing dot-index expressions might cause MATLAB to crash2102087: MATLAB might silently quit during startup on macOS Catalina

MathWorks MATLAB R2019b v9.7.0.1261785 Update 3 Only Win/Linux/MACOSX的图片1
MathWorks MATLAB R2019b v9.7.0.1261785 Update 3 Only Win/Linux/MACOSX的图片2