CG数据库 >> Blender 2.8 – Modeling and texturing assets for videogames

Blender 2.8 – Modeling and texturing assets for videogames | 15.7GLearn the complete workflow of the models for videogames and create ¡five assets! using Blender and Substance Painter要求A computer where you can run Blender and Substance painterIt is not a requirement for the course but a digital tablet can help you a lot in the process说明Along this course you will learnthe complete workflowto create assets from scratch using two of the most powerful programs for 3D creation.

Include the following topics:The fundamental theory of creating models fornext-generation gamesThe fundamental theory of thePBR materialsrendering method (currently the most used in the industry)All the fundamental aspects ofBlenderto navigate fluidly in the interfaceAll the principal modeling toolsSeveral of the most importantmodifiersto create specific forms and surfacesHow to use theSculpt modeand how to use it to add sculpted details to our modelsHow to createHigh polymodelsHow to create, clean  and optimize aLow polymodelHow toUV unwrapa model to project textures in itHow to project all the details from a High poly model into a Low poly model (Baking) using “matching by names” in Substance PainterHow to create and detail differentPBR materialsin Substance PainterHow toexport all the texture mapsto use them in any rendering engineHow to visualize any asset inMarmoset Toolbagto create high quality renders and export files for real-time visualizationHow to import any asset in the game engineUnreal engineand how to configure the materialsHow to set and render our models in Blender with the render enginesEeveeandCycles此课程面向哪些人:3D students of any level who want to achieve professional results in their models for videogames

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