Cubebrush – Female Basemesh 04Info:Basemeshes are great to jump-start any idea! Up to SDiv 6 – 9M polys, UVW unwrapped.
Improved TopologyProduction tested and created with feedback from artists, sculptors and animators:Sculpting-friendlyRealtime readyAnimation readyWhat you get:fbm 04 buns a.ZTL, A-pose, original ZBrush tool filefbm 04 buns t.ZTL, T-pose, original ZBrush tool filefbm 04 buns, both A and T poses for Mudbox 2017fbm 04 buns OBJ, A-pose, all subdiv levels 1-6 as OBJfbm 04 buns OBJ, T-pose, all subdiv levels 1-6 as OBJfbm 04 buns extras.fbx, contains hair, eyes and some clothesfbm 04, baked textures for both A and T poses:curvatureconcavityconvexityheight, 32bit flat displacement for realtime use:A-pose mid = 0.472681T-pose mid = 0.472682normalocclusionos_normaltransmissiondisplacement, 32bit smooth uv with preserve border, smooth mesh