CG数据库 >> PhotoMill X 1.4.1 MacOS

PhotoMill 可以帮助你转换大量图片为最流行的图片格式,为你的文件起有意义的名字,添加水印文字和图片,调整图片(亮度、饱和度、曝光度、灰度等)、调整大小、删除隐私数据以及添加你自己的版权等。


PhotoMill X 1.4.0 | macOS | 30 mbPhotoMill helps you convert a bulk of images into the most popular image formats, give your files meaningful names, watermark with text and image, adjust photos (brightness/saturation/exposure/grayscale/etc.

), fit geometry (scale/crop/trim/etc.

), remove private metadata, add your own copyrights etc.

Also, PhotoMill is a great batch metadata editor, renamer and photo browser.

CONVERTConversion to: HEIC, BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PDF, PNG, TIFFColor models: RGB, Gray, CMYKColor depth: 8/16/32 bits; with or without alpha channelMETADATA EDITORCorrect EXIF/IPTC metadata tags in your photos: place GPS coordinates, remove private information from your photos, correct or set capture dates, add your own copyright, keywords or rating.

PHOTO BROWSERThe app has a bunch of features for comfortable browsing and multi-criteria search of photos in the Browser.

The Browser has 3 panels: Image Info – displays detailed information about a selected photo; Groups – splits photos into groups/subgroups based on a chosen criteria, for instance, by capture dates; Search – gives you an opportunity to search photos by different criteria.

RENAMEYou can give meaningful names to converted photos constructing file names in the “pro” way – using text and tags: index, capture date, original name, image width, “find & replace” etc.

Also, you can rename photos without any conversion.

RESIZEFit image size with a bunch of geometry actions: scale, crop, add border, trim, trim color, rotate & flip, auto rotate (by EXIF orientation), change resolution.

WATERMARK• Text – you can use photo metadata information – tags: capture date, keywords, camera maker etc.

, as well as entered text.

Font size can be either fixed or relative to an image width, height, long or short edge.

Multiline text, stroke, shadow, rotation, tiling and other features.

• Image – image size can be either fixed or relative to main image size.

Image tiling is also available.

• Rectangle – background for text; square or rounded.

Fill and stroke color can be half-transparent.

ADJUST COLORSAvailable filters: auto contrast, auto white balance, gamma, contrast, exposure, sharpness, grayscale, sepia, colorize, temperature, HSL channels (Hue/Saturation/Lightness), HSV channels (Hue/Saturation/Value,Brightness), RGB channels, curves.

Working with transparency: alpha mask, color to alpha, alpha to color.

Color matching: assign profile, convert to profile, proof with profile.

Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later 64-bit:

PhotoMill X 1.4.1 MacOS的图片1