KONTAKT – 1,54 GBA Brass powerhouse. Specially designed to embody the charm and character of the New Orleans Brass Band sound. Equally great for injecting the funk into a record, as it is recreating that Jazz/Blues’ heartland sound. Use a multi-patch and arrive at something truly filmic too!New Orleans Brass is a 5 instrument Brass library for the full version of Kontakt.
The vision behind the instrument was to create a library that could explore fully the world of the New Orleans Brass Band, with that signature low-fi and raw sound, coupled with beautiful precision and multiple articulation choices.
The library is set up in a way to allow complete control by having each instrument within it’s own patch.
However, for speed of writing or part doubling, there are also various ‘multi-patches’ which when loaded create a mix of the instruments.
As follows:+ ENSEMBLE – A full keyboard blend of all instruments able to be played all at once and captured onto 1 midi track.
+ 2 TRUMPETS – Both trumpet 1 & 2 playing together.
+ 2 TROMBONES – Both trombones 1 & 2 playing together.
You can of course load as many instances of these instruments as you like and create your own multi-patch to save for later use or templating.
THE INSTRUMENTS1st Trumpet – 2nd Trumpet – 1st Trombone – 2nd Trombone – A SousaphoneAll instruments have their full comfortable range present, across the following articulations:– LONGS – A sustained note lasting 3 bars @ 120bpm with the exception of any reach notes that are physically unable to besustained for that long.
Each note has 3 velocity layers across 4 round robins.
Trombone has a 4th additional velocity layer.
– STACCATO – Short bursts on 3 velocity layers and across 4 round robins.
– SFORZATO CRESCENDO – An initial stab followed by an immediate dip in volume, then quick crescendo.
– CRESCENDO – A gradual build from very quiet to very loud.
– FALLS – A classic horn stab followed by an unmeasured fall in pitch– RISES / GRACE NOTES – A short rise of a semi-tone/tone, or glide in the case of Trombone.
– FLUTTER – Trumpet only – A classic flutter tongue technique at a high velocity.
– PERFORMANCE – This keyswitch turns the instruments into MONOPHONIC instruments, to give a legato effect.
This combined with a strong attack in the higher velocities makes this a great patch for fast runs, or lyrical lead line phrasing.
All articulations are mapped in the following way:– LONGS – A0– FALLS – A#0– STACCATO – B0– SFORZATO CRESC – C1– GRACE NOTES – C#1– CRESC – D1– FLUTTER – D#1– PERFORMANCE – E1The FULL version of Kontakt 5.8.1 is required – NOT Kontakt Player