Duration 1h 29m Project Files Included MP4Title: Packt Publishing – Beginner and Advanced Lighting in UnityInfo:This section teaches the basics of developing in Unity. It provides students with the opportunity to work with 3D models. Whether you have never programmed before, already know the basic syntax or want to learn about the advanced features of Unity, this course is for you!Style and ApproachThe course is designed to take you from absolute beginner to advanced levels.
If you are an experienced programmer the lessons are designed in a way to help you get up and running fast.
What You Will LearnIntro to lightningCreating particle effects in UnityWorking with skyboxes & directional lights in UnityUsing point lights to create a mood in Unity 3DWorking with spotlights & subtle light changesHow to use cookies in lighting in UnityHow to bake lighting & support mobile games in Unity