CG数据库 >> VovSoft Health Break 4.4

Health break是一款专为长时间处于工作状态的人士定制的定时休息提醒工具,随着生活压力的越来越大,我们的工作压力也越来越大,很多人都没有意识到离开显示器并休息一下是多么重要。

VovSoft Health Break 4.x | 2.3 MbTake a break reminder software for long-time computer users.

We all work too much.

Many don’t realize how important it is to step away from the monitor and take a break.

This isn’t just for your physical health, but your mental health.

Operating System:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP–

VovSoft Health Break 4.4的图片1