ZBrush 2019为数字雕刻设定了行业标准。
ZBrush 2019继续走创意和生产力的道路,主要的新功能使艺术家能够更快地工作,特别是专注于更轻松地创建硬表面和机械形状。
ZBrush 2019还通过其新的文件夹组织系统,重写的自动视觉拓扑工具和新的摄像系统帮助您提高效率。
ZBrush 2019新增强渲染与真实晕染(NPR)的引入,一个全新的方式与Snapshot3D创建模型,更新retopology ZRemesher 3.0,摄像系统,2个新的插件:ZColor 和Intersection Masker!本次ZBrush 2019更新了以下功能1、Non-Photorealistic Rendering 非真实感渲染(NPR)新的NPR查看系统,可以在视图中以2D风格进行渲染,可以达到类似于素描、漫画的风格2、Snapshot 3D 吸附快照在原有Spotlight聚光灯模块下新增了,通过Alpha结合吸附的功能,可以快速实现复杂的布尔运算结构(看起来非常好用)3、ZRemesher 3.0 自动布线功能新的自动布线功能升级,对机械类模型支持更好,在硬表面建模上将会更方便4、Folder 文件夹功能在子工具管理上加入了文件夹系统,让场景管理更加轻松5、Intersection Masker 交叉遮挡可以在两个物体交叉的部分自动生成遮罩,画一些特殊结构的遮罩更加方便6、ZColor 颜色插件新的ZColor插件,可以更好的管理颜色,并且可以与他人共享一套颜色,更适合团队协作7、焦距调整同时该版本也增加了相机焦距的调节,让ZB跟其他软件协同工作时更方便Pixologic Zbrush 2019Info:ZBrush sets the industry standard for digital sculpting.
Its features enable you to use customizable brushes to shape, texture and paint virtual clay in a real-time environment.
When you use ZBrush, you’ll be working with the same tools used by film studios, game developers, toy/collectible makers, jewelry designers, automotive/aviation designers, illustrators and artists worldwide.
ZBrush 2019 continues in the path of creativity and productivity with major new features allowing artists to work even faster, especially focusing on creating hard-surface and mechanical shapes with greater ease.
While working, or as a final during creation you will be able to produce stunning nonrealistic rendering with instant feedback.
ZBrush 2019 also helps you to be more efficient with its new Folders organization system, it’s rewritten automatic retopology tool, and a new camera system.
Your art will change forever.
Instructions:1. Copy zbrush.exe from fix folder and replace the existing one in the zbrush 2019 folder :C:/programs/pixologic/zbrush2019