Tekla Tedds是一款面向工程建筑行业设计师打造的结构计算软件。
从事本行业的设计师应该知道计算结构、材料是一件非常严谨与繁琐的工作,但是有了这款软件,计算结构、材料就会变的很不一样哦!Tekla Tedds主要特性1、产生一致的文档。
为工程师自动化重复土木及结构计算此版本包括新功能和增强功能,可提高生产力和降低显著工程师花费计算,生产和相关文档的时间新的选择带来更多的灵活性,并进行了分析选择和挡土墙,基础和钢筋和混凝土梁既美国建筑规范和欧洲规范的设计综合计算,使工作方便,快捷,使用户使用荷载组合时,避免人为的错误可匹配公司的标准,包括自定义布局和标识的文档模板节省时间和提高演示File size: 679 MBTekla Tedds is powerful software developed to meet the needs of the structural engineering workflow and designed to help you automate your repetitive structural calculations.
Choose from one or more of our regularly updated calculation libraries or write your own, and create professional documentation every time.
Combine your structural calculations with 2D frame analysis.
Forget time consuming hand calculations and cumbersome spreadsheets.
Automate your repetitive structural and civil calculations with Tedds and transform the way you work.
Access a broad library of structural and civil calculations.
Use a single solution for all common elements & materials.
Benefit from a simple and intuitive interface.
Create transparent calculations that are easy to check.
Compare different design options and make changes quickly.
Produce consistent documentation.
Enhance your Quality Assurance processes.
Receive new and enhanced calculations and code updates regularly.