CG数据库 >> NextLimit RealFlow v3.0.0.0020 for Cinema 4D R17 to R20 Win

NextLimit RealFlow v3.0.0.0020 for Cinema 4D R17 to R20 WinInfo:RealFlow for Cinema 4D gives you the best in fluid simulation, directly inside Cinema 4D.

Now you can achieve high-end simulations with an even easier workflow.

QUADS FOR MESHESThanks to the new quad meshed you’ll be able to make meshes easily subdivided.

SUB-FRAME SAMPLINGAnimated particle emission parameters and daemon parameters are taken account between frames.

PARTICLE SIZE CONTROLLED BY THE FLUIDUse particle speed, age and vorticity to resize fluid particles.

FORCE SCALEScale all the daemon forces from a single place.

TRANSFORM YOUR FLUIDSScale, rotate and translate transformations can be applied to fluids.

CACHING ENHANCEMENTSLaunch Cache process from any toolbar or customize RealFlow node output filenames.

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