CG数据库 >> Tower 3.3.0 MacOS

Tower Mac版是MAC OS平台上的开发软件,使用一款GIT的客户端,能够让开发者更好的管理GIF工具,使得工作能更快更好的进行。

File Size: 22.2 MBThe Tower macOS application is designed to be an user friendly desktop client for the Git distributed revision control and source code management system.

To be able to use the Tower utility, you will first have to connect to your Git account and import your repositories.

To help you get started, the Tower developers provide both an extensive documentation, and a free online course designed to take you through the most important aspects of version controlling.

However, if you are a seasoned user, you can simply connect to your Git account and start managing your repositories.

Tower offers you the possibility to fetch, pull, or push content, to save or apply stash settings, or to clone repositories with the press of a button or by using simple drag and drop actions.

Moreover, you have the option to restore previous versions, or to resolve conflicts in a visual manner.

Tower 3.3.0 MacOS的图片1