FANTASTiC | 13 May 2019 | 905 MBLoopmasters present Andrew Weatherall & Nina Walsh Woodleigh Research Facility – an experimental collection of other worldly recordings and abstract sounds to raise the tension in your productions.
Provided 100% Royalty Free for your music, this collection is an elusive looking glass into a distant sonic realm, created by two master musicians.
The Woodliegh Research Facility is a loose collective of musicians, non-musicians, artists, poets and writers under the benign dictatorship of Andrew Weatherall and Nina Walsh.
They operate in various locations in the South London area convening to conduct sonic experiments using tone generators, effects pedals, broken analogue keyboards and anything else that comes to hand.
The results of these experiments are now available for you to weave your own alchemical spells.
‘Andrew Weatherall & Nina Walsh: WRF Lab Test’ comes with over 1 GB of content featuring loops, hits and sampler patches, where sideways sounds meet wonky Electronics to create unique, ethereal soundscapes and other-worldly grooves.
You’ll find beautifully dark atmospheres, bubbling arpeggios, eclectic synth loops and big basslines (acoustic and Electronic), the likes of which have never been heard before.
A fine selection of beats and breaks will give you the rhythmic groove you need to back up your mix, with foley beats, sequenced alongside heavy hardware hits.
A haunting selection of vocals includes operatic screams, twisted laughs and hisses, with a superb mix of male and female French spoken words.
Analogue synths to the ready, with MS10 snares, SH09 synths and a dedicated Dub Tech drum Kit, as well as a final collection of Dub-delayed whizz bang FX, making this pack the ultimate mould-breaker.
At tempos from 98-120 BPM, ‘Andrew Weatherall & Nina Walsh: WRF Lab Test’ is ideal for Electronica, experimental, Downtempo and abstract music, as well as more convention genres.
The operatives for this project were Andrew Weatherall, Nina Walsh, Franck Alba and Lee Berwick.
Product Details:• 24-Bit/44.1kHz• 82 Electric Guitar Loops• 38 Electric Bass Loops• 35 Full Drum Loops• 32 Arp Loops• 31 Drum FX Loops• 21 Synth Loops• 15 Synth Bass Loops• 14 Top Loops• 11 Percussion Loops• 120 FX• 91 Drum Hits• 64 Vocal Hits & Phrases• 18 Bass Hits• 16 Synth Hits• 288 REX2 Files