CG数据库 >> Xilinx Vivado Design Suite 2019.1

Vivado Design Suite是Xilinx为HDL设计的综合和分析而设计的软件套件,取代了Xilinx ISE,具有用于片上系统和高级综合的附加功能。


Vivado Design Suite 2019.1,其支持:量产器件航天级 Kintex UltraScale:- XQRKU060XA Kintex-7:- XA7K160TVirtex UltraScale+ HBM(-3 速度级):- XCVU31P、XCVU33P、XCVU35P、XCVU37PVivado基于命令行的 Web 安装程序增强的 VHDL2008 综合构造支持第三方电路板的集成型 GitHub 下载拥塞指标、改进的 QOR 建议,以及一般性 SSI QOR 改进增强的调试功能:IBERT GTM、RF 分析仪、HBM 监控器及总线图查看IP 子系统/内核最新 50G RS-FEC(544、514):用于 5G 无线应用的最新 FEC (2x26G) NRZ,在添加外部 bitmux 芯片时,可实现 PAM-4 应用集成型 UltraScale/UltraScale+ 100G 以太网子系统:全新可选 AXI 数据总线接口支持基于标准的接口10G/25G 以太网子系统、40G/50G 以太网子系统、集成型 UltraScale/UltraScale+ 100G 以太网子系统、USXGMII、1G/10G/25G 以太网交换子系统:通过基于所选特性创建统计逻辑,实现尺寸优化的统计计数器视频与影像 IP:视频处理内核新增对 8K30 分辨率的支持,视频混频器增加 16 层混合,而帧缓冲器则新增对 12 和 16bpc 的支持SmartConnect:提高了面积效率、特别适合小型配置和 AXILite 端点AXI Bram 控制器:改善了单拍事务处理的性能。


File size: 21.4 GBVivado® Design Suite HLx Editions include Partial Reconfiguration at no additional cost with the Vivado HL Design Edition and HL System Edition.

In-warranty users can regenerate their licenses to gain access to this feature.

Partial Reconfiguration is available for Vivado WebPACK™ edition at a reduced price.

The new HLx editions supply design teams with the tools and methodology needed to leverage C-based design and optimized reuse, IP sub-system reuse, integration automation and accelerated design closure.

When coupled with the UltraFast™ High-Level Productivity Design Methodology Guide, this unique combination is proven to accelerate productivity by enabling designers to work at a high level of abstraction while facilitating design reuse.

Accelerating High Level DesignSoftware-defined IP Generation with Vivado High-Level SynthesisBlock-based IP Integration with Vivado IP IntegratorModel-based Design Integration with Model Composer and System Generator for DSPAccelerating VerificationVivado Logic SimulationIntegrated Mixed Language SimulatorIntegrated & Standalone Programming and Debug EnvironmentsAccelerate Verification by >100X with C, C++ or SystemC with Vivado HLSVerification IPAccelerating Implementation4X Faster Implementation20% Better Design DensityUp to 3-Speedgrade Performance Advantage for the low-end & mid-range and 35% Power Advantage in the high-end文件名xvd0605

Xilinx Vivado Design Suite 2019.1的图片1