CG数据库 >> Golaem Crowd 7.0.1 for Maya

Golaem Crowd是一款功能强大的插件工具,这款插件的主要用途就是填充人数,在各种影视剧中,战争片里总能看到成千上万的人打仗,但在现实哪来那么多演员啊,要想演员多还得靠特技,使用Golaem Crowd添加仿真人群,才有了如今这么多千奇百怪的影视剧。


Golaem makes it easy and affordable to populate worlds with smart & directable digital characters, from a few to thousands.

FEATURE FILM QUALITY ON A TV BUDGETGolaem helps you to populate shots in a short amount of time and with limited budget.

Built with the artist in mind, Golaem automates repetitive and cumbersome tasks to let them focus on their art.

The Golaem workflow is built so that although it relies on AI, artists always get their last word to say and can keep total control of the results.

CREATE BELIEVABLE CHARACTERSGolaem makes your shots more realistic by generating variations for you:Visual variationsAnimation variationsBehavioral variationsAVOID REPETITIVE WORKHaving characters walking around in your scenes is a piece of cake.

It takes only a few minutes.

They can be influenced by simple triggers like zone, time, distance, collision…USE GOLAEM ASSETS OR YOUR OWNStart rendering shots today thanks to the Golaem Assets, a set of ready-to-use character models and motions for stadiums, city street or medieval battles.

Use your custom characters and motions with Golaem. Animate any type of characters: humans, horses & riders, insects, bicycles, robots…The Golaem workflow is so flexible that you can even start with Golaem assets and replace them by your own later.

SAVE ASSETS PRODUCTION TIMEGolaem reduces the amount of motion capture you need to carry out for your project.

Re-use motions from previous productions.

Customize them by simply mixing them with a new simple animation.

Adjust them with procedural animation.

FROM 1 TO 100 000 CHARACTERSDo not bother about the number of people in your viewport.

Whatever the number of characters you are dealing with, you can keep working comfortably, with an interactive viewport, full previsualization and a small scene file.

KEEP ARTISTIC CONTROLAlthough it relies on AI to save you an unbelievable amount of time, Golaem always lets you have the final say.

Achieve precise control over placement, shading, navigation… with the Paint Tool or even modify simulation results with the Layout tool.

EASY SCENE SHARING & RETAKESGolaem Layout is included with your Golaem license.

Visualize simulation results.

Take full control to get a shot from good to perfect.

Create a whole scene without even running a simulation.

Easily share scenes with other departments or other studios.

Optimize the production workflow (e.


senior artists in charge of simulations, juniors in charge of layout and retakes).

QUICK LEARNING CURVEBecause it is so user-friendly, Golaem is very fast to learn.

We have heard stories of runners contributing to crowd shots for feature films after a few days.

CHECK YOUR SHOT BEFORE RENDERINGNo need to wait long hours for a render only to realize you have made a mistake.

Golaem provides an advanced previsualization mode, keeping the viewport interactive while displaying skinned mesh on all your characters.

Instantly inspect what a character is doing by selecting him.

Display information in the viewport, check motion blending in the Visual Debug panel, or open the Behavior Editor to see running behaviors and triggers.

PIPELINE FRIENDLYGolaem is very well integrated in Maya.

It is natively compatible with major renderers in Maya, 3ds Max + V-Ray, Katana, Softimage + Arnold.

FBX or Alembic exports are also available.

All parts of Golaem are scriptable using MEL or Python.

A C/C++ API enables you to read the exported simulation cache.

For your FX team, Golaem can generate locators and/or collidersWORLD CLASS SUPPORTWe have the best customer support you will ever find.

And we mean it.

We cannot count the number of thank you notes from customers telling us that our support is the best one they have dealt with.

SUPPORTED RENDERING ENGINESMtoa 3.0, 2.XV-Ray For Maya 3.6XV-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XXRenderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4Mental Ray 3.13.XRedshift 2.5.64-713Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.XGuerilla Render 1.4.4Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6Also supported (but must be manually installed):Mtoa 1.4.XRedshift 2.0.91-93

Golaem Crowd 7.0.1 for Maya的图片1