NI Circuit Design Suite(NI电路设计套件)是美国国家仪器有限公司(National Instrument简称NI公司)下属的Electronics Workbench Group推出的以Windows为基础的仿真工具,它可以实现对电路原理图的图形输入、电路硬件描述语言输入方式、电路分析、电路仿真、仿真仪器测试、射频分析、单片机分析、PCB布局布线、基本机械CAD设计等应用。
NI电路设计套件包含下列Electronics Workbench软件产品:电路仿真设计的模块Multisim、PCB设计软件Ultiboard、布线引擎Ultiroute及通信电路分析与设计模块Commsim(以前被称为MultiMCU)4个部分,能完成从电路的仿真设计到电路版图生成的全过程。
NI Circuit Design Suite 14.2 | 895.1 mbMultisim software integrates industry-standard SPICE simulation with an interactive schematic environment to instantly visualize and analyze electronic circuit behavior. Its intuitive interface helps educators reinforce circuit theory and improve retention of theory throughout engineering curriculum. By adding powerful circuit simulation and analyses to the design flow, Multisim helps researchers and designers reduce printed circuit board (PCB) prototype iterations and save development costs. Explore Multisim™ for Designers Features:Multisim software combines SPICE simulation and circuit design into an environment optimized to simplify common design tasks, which helps you improve performance, minimize errors, and shorten time to prototype. With a library of 55,000 manufacturer-verified components and seamless integration with the Ultiboard™1 PCB layout tools, you can confidently iterate through design decisions and annotate changes between layout and circuit schematic. Use Multisim™ with Ultiboard™ software to rapidly prototype, build interfacing circuitry, and troubleshoot electronic systems. Multisim™ users with an active Standard Service Program (SSP)Perform Advanced Analysis Early in the Design Flow:Multisim provides 20 advanced analyses, so you can more easily identify limits and design inefficiencies early to reduce costly PCB prototype iterations.
Prototype Faster by Easily Transferring Schematic to PCB Layout:When integrated with Ultiboard software, Multisim™ allows you to seamlessly move from design to layout and accelerates your PCB prototype development.