CG数据库 >> Riemann Kollektion Riemann Acid Techno Bundle 2019 WAV

WAV | 4,23 GBBack with an awesome unreleased bundle ;This 9x sample pack bundle saves you more than 100€ compared to the individual sample packs and includes 10 exclusive Acid lines recorded with an original Roland Tb-303 running through a high end analog signal chain.

Style: Acid Techno, Acid RaveInspired by Berghain, Dax J, 999999999 Live, Ellen Allien, Regal, Bosten 168…What’s inside:10 Exclusive Bundle Loops WAVDevilfish 303 Acid WAVRiemann Acid Techno 1 WAVRiemann Acid Techno 2 WAVRiemann Acid Techno 3 WAVRiemann Background Noises 1 WAVRiemann Distorted Kickdrums 2 WAVRiemann Distorted Kickdrums 3 WAVRiemann Techno Kickdrums 1 WAVRiemann Techno Top Loops 03 WAV4.23GB – 1379 x 24Bit WAV Loops & Oneshots + extended 303 Acid lines

Riemann Kollektion Riemann Acid Techno Bundle 2019 WAV的图片1