CG数据库 >> Textastic 4.0.1 MacOS

一款Mac上优秀的文本编程工具,类似Sublime,具有强大的编程功能,支持80多种编程语言,兼容TextMate标记定义和主题,支持代码高亮、代码自动完成、代码 iCloud 同步、Markup等特性,非常不错!File size: 8 MBВTextastic is a powerful and fast text, code, and markup editor.

• Syntax highlighting of more than 80 programming and markup languages• Supported file types include HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, Markdown, Objective-C, Swift, C++, PHP, Perl, Python, SQL, shell scripts and many more• Compatible with TextMate and Sublime Text 3 syntax definitions and themes• Code completion for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, C, and Objective-C• Open files in tabs• Open folders in a sidebar• Find in files• Print files• Symbol list to quickly navigate in a file• Emmet support built-in• Auto Save and Versions• iCloud document sync• Full support for Dark ModeRelease NotesFixed:• Sometimes previously closed files were mistakenly reopened on application launch.

• Textastic could crash if an emoji was used in a Markdown header and the symbol list was generated.

Supported Operation Systems:macOS 10.13 or later 64-bit

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