CG数据库 >> Money Pro 2.2 Multilangual MacOSX

像专家一样理财 Money Pro 是下一代理财应用程序(全球下载量超过 200 万)。

Money Pro 提供一站式账单计划、预算管理和账户跟踪。

本应用程序拥有轻松同步功能,iPhone/iPad 合用同一版本。

Money Pro 是家庭预算乃至商务应用的理想之选。

功能日历– 在大日历中标出账单到期的日子。

– 设置可自定义周期的重复性账单。

– 通过在日历中选择日期来筛选交易。

今日视图– 快速查看到期账单。

– 发生交易时快速批准。

– Money Pro 可以预测当天未手动安排的交易。

账单到期通知– 全面的提醒系统可以提醒您即将到期的账单。

– 快速重新计划选项可以帮助您处理(明天、3 日内、下周)到期的账单。

预算– 为收入和支出创建预算条目,并指定每个条目的预算限值。

– 您可以为每个时间段设置不同的预算限值。


– 开始添加您的每个交易,查看每个类别的发展变化情况和总体发展变化情况。

– 用于监控预算超支的直观指示器– 选择要分析的类别并即时查看所生成的预算趋势图预算转结– 您可以设置将当前时间段内的预算结余转结至下一预算时间段。

– 如果您在之前的时间段超支,预算转结可自动限制您的支出。

支票明细账– 您可以同时设立不限数量的账户(支票、储蓄、信用卡等)。

– 将交易设为经常性交易或一次性交易。

– 结余变化历史– 用于管理记录的额外字段,包括收款人、说明、支票号、分类(个人支出/出差支出)。

– 收据照片附件账户对账– 您可以记录交易,并在日后结清(对账)。

– 自动计算可用余额和结清余额。

导入银行对账单– 导入交易历史,使您的账户时刻保持最新状态(支持文件:.ofx)。

– Money Pro 能够了解您如何对交易进行分类,并能够预测要导入的交易属于哪个类别。

拆分交易– 您可以将交易拆分成多个类别。


计算器和货币换算器– 计划预算时计算金额– 进行交易输入时可快速换算货币搜索– 可以按金额、类别、说明和收款人等搜索交易。

详细报告– 收入/开支– 现金流– 交易– 资产/债务(净值)– 预计结余– 日/周/月/年趋势图许多自定义选项– 制定预算和账单计划时可自定义周期(每周、每两周、每月等)– 可根据需要调整收入/支出类别和子类别的结构。

– 利用 1400 多个内置图标来自定义账户和类别。

– 使用照片来创建您自己独一无二的图标。

iCloud– Money Pro 使用 iCloud 在您的所有设备之间同步数据。

家庭预算同步– 通过蓝牙/WiFi 连接两台设备,直接同步您的数据。

备份数据– Money Pro 可在所有关键时刻自动备份您的数据。

– 您也可以手动创建备份。

多个描述文件– 您可以设置多个描述文件,来分别跟踪自己的家庭预算和小型业务。

更多– 针对 iPhone 6 和 iPhone 6 Plus 优化– 打印并可导出为 pdf、qif、csv 格式– 支持多种货币并自动更新汇率– 从 csv 导入数据Money Pro 2.x Multilangual | MacOSX | 19 MBManage money like a pro.

Money Pro is the next generation of Money app (over 2 million downloads worldwide).

Money Pro is the one place for bill planning, budgeting and keeping track of your accounts.

Easy sync with iPhone/iPad versions.

Money Pro works great for home budgeting and even for business use.

Calendar– Mark days on the big calendar when your bills are due.

– Schedule recurring bills with custom periodicity.

– Filter transactions by selecting dates on the calendar.

Today view– Take a quick glance at bills due.

– When you actually have a transaction, approve it quickly.

– Money Pro predicts transactions for the day that may not have been scheduled manually.

Bills due notifications– A whole system of reminders will alert you of upcoming bills.

– Quick rescheduling option will help you deal with bills due (tomorrow, in 3 days, next week).

Budgets– Create budgeted entries, both for your income and expenses, and indicate budget limits for each entry.

– You can set different budget limits for every period, which is useful if you plan to reduce your spending gradually month by month.

– Start adding every transaction you have, and see progress of each category and the overall progress.

– Monitor visual indicators for budget overspending.

– Select the category you want to analyze and examine a budget trend chart generated on the fly.

Budget rollover– You can set budgets to transfer the leftover of the current period to the next budget period.

– Budget rollover limits your spending automatically if you overspent in previous periods.

Checkbook register– Unlimited number of accounts in one place (checking, savings, credit card, etc).

– Setting transactions as recurring or as one-time only.

– Balance change history.

– Additional fields for organizing your records including payee, description, check #, class (personal/business travel expenses).

– Attachment of receipt photos.

Account reconciliation– You can record transactions and clear them later on (reconcile).

– Automatically calculated available balance and cleared balance.

Import of bank statements– Import history of your transactions and keep your accounts always up-to-date (supported files: .


– Money Pro learns how you categorize transactions and predicts categories for the transactions being imported.

Split transactions– You can split a transaction into multiple categories which is extremely useful when you shop at mega stores and pay for multiple items at once.

Calculator and currency converter– Calculate amounts when planning your budget.

– Quick currency conversion when entering transactions.

Search– Search transactions by amount, category, description, payee, etc.

Detailed reports– Income/Expenses– Cash flow– Transactions– Assets/Liabilities (net worth)– Projected balance– Trend chart for days/weeks/months/yearsLots of options for customization– Custom periodicity is available for budgeting and bill planning (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc).

– Adjust the structure of income/expense categories & subcategories for your needs.

– Customize accounts and categories with over 1,400 built-in icons.

– Create your own unique icons using photos.

iCloud– Money Pro uses iCloud to keep your data in sync on all of your devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac).

Multiple profiles– You can set multiple profiles and track your finances separately for home budget and your small business.

More– Print and Export to pdf, qif, csv formats– Notification Center Widget– Password protection– Backups of your data– Multiple currencies support & automatic update of exchange ratesLanguages:English, Arabic, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, VietnameseCompatibility:OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processorLanguage:Multilangual–

Money Pro 2.2 Multilangual MacOSX的图片1