CG数据库 >> EasyUEFI Windows To Go Upgrader Enterprise 2.9 Multilingual

File size: 5.3 MBWindows To Go Upgrader is a software which can help you to upgrade your Windows To Go Workspace from lower version to higher version, even if the Windows To Go drive is encrypted by using BitLocker Drive Encryption.

With this software, you can easily upgrade Windows 8.

0 To Go to Windows 8.

1 To Go, Windows 8.

x To Go to Windows 10 To Go, or even upgrade Windows 10 To Go (lower build number) to Windows 10 To Go (higher build number).

Whats New:Support for the latest version of Windows 10 (Windows 10 1809)Add support for VirtualBox V5.2.22Fix other minor bugs

EasyUEFI Windows To Go Upgrader Enterprise 2.9 Multilingual的图片1