Wing FTP Server是一款专业的跨平台FTP服务器端, 支持可伸缩的处理器架构(最多可达64个CPU)并采用异步IO,所以在速度和效率方面遥遥领先于其他同类产品. 当然他还非常稳定可靠, 在高负载的情况下也能持续地正常运行,非常适合企业内部文件传输.
除了基本功能外, 他还提供一个基于Web的管理端和客户端, 何时何地都能管理你的服务器.
它还支持可编程的事件, 计划任务, Lua脚本扩展, 虚拟文件夹, 上传下载比率分配, 磁盘容量分配, ODBC/Mysql存储账户,多国语言等特性. 支持的操作系统有Windows, Linux, Mac OS X和Solaris. 并支持如下的传输协议:FTP (File Transfer Protocol)HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)FTPS (基于SSL的安全FTP)HTTPS (基于SSL的安全HTTP)SFTP using SSH2 (基于SSH2的安全文件传输)File size: 8.3 MBWing FTP Server is a highly functional, easy-to-use and secure FTP Server solution that can be used in Windows, Linux, Mac OSX and Solaris.
It supports multiple file transfer protocols, including FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS and SFTP, giving your end-users flexibility in how they connect to the server.
And it provides administrators with a web based interface to administrate the server from anywhere.
You can also monitor server performance and online sessions and even receive email notifications about various events taking place on the server.
The supported transfer protocols are listed as follows:– FTP (File Transfer Protocol)– HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)– FTPS (FTP over SSL)– HTTPS (HTTP over SSL)– SFTP using SSH2 (File Transfer over Secure Shell)Corporate Edition:– Unlimited accounts number– Unlimited concurrent connections– Database storage of accounts via ODBC– Database storage of accounts via Mysql– Event Manager– Task schedulers with lua script– Windows Authentication (NTLM or Active Directory)– LDAP Authentication– All features in the secure edition