CG数据库 >> AE插件-映射变形插件 RevisionFX REMap v3.0.3 WinMac


Revisionfx REMap 是一款运行在AE和OFX平台下的专业质量的贴图和扭曲工具,可以帮助您轻松实现扭曲效果

Version 3.0.0 新版更新:

– Adds GPU support 添加GPU支持

REVisionFX RE:Map provides professional quality mapping and distortion tools.

Easily rerender UV maps in post to save 3D rendering time! RE:Map also provides inverse UV mapping and corner pinning.

RE:Map is a set of 5 plugins:

- RE:Map UV takes a UV Map, probably rendered from a 3D system, and renders an image using this mapping.

Easily clean up texture maps and remap in post without having to go back to your 3D system for re-rendering.

In addition, this plugin allows you you to come up with cool 2D and 3D animated texture map templates and reuse them over again with different image sequences.

- RE:Map Inverse UV takes a UV Map and a color image that matches that UV Map, and inversely projects the color image to a rectangular image that may then be used to texture the UV Map with RE:Map UV, or for use as a texture map for your 3D system.

- RE:Map Distort takes a color image and automatically distorts the image based on the features for a caricature-like effect.

- RE:Map Displace warps an image with a user-supplied displacement map.

This plugin includes many more options and advanced filtering controls than most other displacement map filters.

- RE:Map Planar maps or inverse maps a perspective plane defined by 4 points (also known as corner pinning).

AE插件-映射变形插件 RevisionFX REMap v3.0.3 WinMac的图片1

发布日期: 2016-10-11