DaVinci Resolve Studio 12 正式版版,提供专业剪辑、多机位、音频插件、3D Keyer、3D跟踪器等功能
系统要求:Mac OS X 10.10.5或者更高版本
DaVinci Resolve Studio 12.5.5新功能
•添加了对DaVinci Resolve Mini Panel迷你面板支持
•添加了对DaVinci Resolve Micro Panel 微型面板支持
•增加了URSA Mini Pro 4.6K媒体支持
•增加了Cintel Reader 支持
•增加了自适应扫描速度Cintel支持时,磁盘I / O是缓慢的
•改进的回放和寻求MXF OP1a和OP1b文件的性能
DaVinci Resolve 12.
5 is a massive update with over 1,000 enhancements and 250 new features that give editors and colorists dozens of new editing and trimming tools, incredible new media management and organization functions, new retiming effects, enhanced keyframe controls, on-screen text editing, new ResolveFX plug-ins and much more! The re-designed node editor is easier and more intuitive to use, there are new HDR grading tools, vastly improved noise reduction, lens distortion correction, and a completely redesigned Deliver page for outputting projects.
菜单——DaVinci Resolve——偏好设置——系统概述——语言
发布日期: 2017-03-10