CG数据库 >> C4D灯光渲染全面基础培训课程Pluralsight Fundamentals of Lighting in Cinema 4D

介绍C4D中灯光的类型,每种灯光的使用方法等,重点介绍开始学习Cinema 4D灯光照明的初学者。

首先,你将了解现实生活中的照明定义,如何转化为Cinema 4D中的三维灯光定义。



所需软件:Cinema 4D R18。

Pluralsight Fundamentals of Lighting in Cinema 4D

This course focuses on beginners that are just getting started with Cinema 4D and want to start working with lights.

First, you'll learn about how real life lighting definitions translate into the ones in Cinema 4D.

After that, you will create your first light and your first Global Illumination pass.

By the end of the course, you'll have enough knowledge to tackle lighting two different scenes.

Software required: Cinema 4D.



分 辨 率:高清1920×1080

大小:902 MB

C4D灯光渲染全面基础培训课程Pluralsight Fundamentals of Lighting in Cinema 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2017-03-19