CG数据库 >> AE物体点连线MG动画脚本 aesweets Lines Creator v2.0.0 WinMac

Lines Creator可以在任意数量,任意图层之间生成连线效果,支持3D空间线条效果,同时包括中心点移动功能,V2版本增加直线,分段线,曲线连线功能等

Lines Creator is a script for After Efects that connects objects with lines.You can connect all kinds of objects with three main types of lines - straight, arc and squared. Easy to customize and work with it will speed up your workFlow in no time.Lines Creator is also equipped with one click solutions for adjusting objects' anchor points, caps or joins thanks to the Anchor Point

tool, Caps tool and the Joins tool.

You can also change all lines' styles with a single click from the Style tool or change their type from 2D to 3D and vice versa.

AE版本:After Effects CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6,中文版/英文版

AE物体点连线MG动画脚本 aesweets Lines Creator v2.0.0 WinMac的图片1

发布日期: 2017-10-18