CG数据库 >> C4D阿诺德渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.2.3 Win/Mac 替换破解版


更新支持Cinema 4D R19,SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.2.3使用Arnold 。

最初与索尼影业联合Imageworks开发,现在是他们的主要渲染器,阿诺德用于全世界超过300个工作室,包括ILM,Framestore, MPC, The Mill和Digic Pictures。


可作为一个独立的渲染器运行在Linux,Windows和Mac OS X,或者作为Cinema 4d r19,Maya, Softimage, Houdini 和 Katana插件。

C4DtoA 2.1版本开始不再支持C4D R16,增加支持C4D R19,如果安装后C4D 打不开,请先卸载插件,然后把C4D更新到最新版本,最后重新安装插件即可


Display settings in the IPR window

Support for the C4D Floor object

Notify about new releases


Add motion blur icon to the IPR toolbar

Get pixel information of an area in the IPR

Print out external shader libraries after ASS export

Add diamond to the material library


IPR crash when the hair shader is modified

IPR crash with instances and motion blur

Occasional IPR crashes when modifying a shader

Unnecessary IPR updates when a focus object is set in the camera

Slow startup because of unnecessary license check

Mesh light is not visible through transmissive surface

Alembic vertex color tag of particles does not render

Nested procedurals do not render

Arnold driver output path does not resolve $take token in Team Render

Can not select output components of a vector shader in the network editor

C4D阿诺德渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.2.3 Win/Mac 替换破解版的图片1

发布日期: 2018-02-22