CG数据库 >> Cinema 4D UV Vonc使用教程 – UV Vonc UV Plugin for Cinema 4D

Cinema 4D UV Vonc使用教程 – UV Vonc UV Plugin for Cinema 4D

教程大小:279 MB

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BodyPaint as most of you know has been neglected by MAXON for a very long time.

It used to be the king of 3D painting with a reasonable set of UV editing tools.

The UV editing tools however are now looking very tired and well behind what other 3D applications and stand alone UV editing applications are now offering both in the terms of functionality and ease of use.

This is where UV Vonc fills some of the gaps.

Cinema 4D UV Vonc使用教程 – UV Vonc UV Plugin for Cinema 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2014-08-25