文件批量重命名修改PR插件 Aescripts Rename and Change Toolkit for Premiere Pro 1.0 + 使用教程
可以在Adobe Premiere Pro快速对素材进行批量重命名和更改素材属性,如替换素材名字,添加添加前缀/后缀编号,更改素材分辨率或帧速率等等,可以说是后期剪辑师必备的一个PR素材管理插件。
Batch rename and change settings of sequences in Adobe Premiere Pro
Batch rename items
Renames selected items
If nothing is selected it will rename all items in the project
Search and Rename
Searches and replaces the text string in selected items
If nothing is selected it will search and rename all items in the project
Options to match case, add suffix and prefix, renumber and use RegEx
Premiere Pro CC 2019
发布日期: 2019-04-06