CG数据库 >> Houdini沙尘暴粒子特效教程 Udemy – Dust Storm in Houdini

Houdini中主要是体积粒子的模拟,地面碎石,制作大范围的沙尘暴效果,Houdini 17用来制作特效,Nuke 10用来后期合成

Creation of a dust storm in Houdini.

The whole process is going from scratch.

We will create several simulations for different types of dust and learn how to create multiple simulations fro a huge volumes.

As an additional elements: ground and procedurally created stones.

Using Houdini 17 for FX and Nuke 10 for compositing a final render.

Houdini沙尘暴粒子特效教程 Udemy – Dust Storm in Houdini的图片1

发布日期: 2019-08-22