CG数据库 >> C4D/PS抽象发光玻璃物体Cinema 4d教程


没有比Cinema 4d更好的地方了!我们还将我们的图像带入Photoshop并从我们的玻璃对象的放大元素中生成新创建的图像。

In this class we'll be going over to use glass, light, shadows, and deformer's in the context of new object creation.

There's no better place to do this than in Cinema 4d!! we'll also bring our images into Photoshop & churn out a newly created image from zoomed-in elements of our glass object.

C4D/PS抽象发光玻璃物体Cinema 4d教程的图片1

发布日期: 2019-09-09