DAZ Studio拥有一个可以编辑的骨骼系统,大多数功能通过参数盘很容易操作。
DAZ Studio的材质编辑允许用户改变属性,编辑的材质属性有表面颜色,表面贴图,凹凸贴图,透明贴图,位移贴图等。
DAZ Studio的渲染采用DNASOFT公司技术,并且支持业界著名的Renderman渲染器,渲染的质量速度都不错。
DAZ Studio是一个独特的艺术和动画设计工具,可选用虚拟人物,动物,道具,车辆,配件,环境等等元素。
继承了前版的优势,DAZ Studio 4使用了一个新UI,并且更加易于使用。
大小:压缩包 21.5 GB,使用软件:DAZ Studio或Poser
第 7 大道 - G8F 的弗拉门戈之夜
Ada Wong 的 G8F 和 G8.1F Plus Ada Wong 特工装束
BELLA The Living Doll 角色套件
创世纪 8 女性的赏金猎人
DAZ 卡普阿罗马竞技场
CB Fleur 角色、服装和纹理扩展包
俱乐部时尚套装 G9-G8F
CruX 痴迷 G8
Genesis 9 的曲线魅力套装
CW_Celduin for Genesis 8 男性
CW_Ellarian for Genesis 8 男性
CW_Viljo for Genesis 8 男性
G8F 和 G8.1F 的 D-Force 弹簧 6
G8F 和 G8.1F 的 D-Force SummerTime 11
Declan Character Morph for Genesis 8 男性
dForce - G8F 蝙蝠裙
dforce - 童话故事 - 创世纪 8
dForce - G8F 的 Fayette 连衣裙
dForce - G8F 的弗拉门戈之夜
dforce - 周日 - 创世记 8
dForce - G8F 的转变
dForce 1969 套装适用于 Genesis 8 男性
创世记 9 的 dForce 冒险风格套装
dForce 冒险风格服装纹理附加组件
Genesis 9、8 和 8.1 的 dForce Hazel 内衣套装
Genesis 9、8 和 8.1 的 dForce Nancy 时尚套装
dForce Nancy 时尚服装纹理附加组件
dForce Offset Top Genesis 8 和 8.1F
Genesis 8 和 8.1 女性的 dForce Posey 套装
Genesis 9 的 dForce Smart Style Outfit
dForce 夏日派对礼服
G8F 和 G8.1F 的 Spring 6 多样化
Dwynwen For Genesis 8 女性
Faxhion - dForce 转变
FG 床式
Freya for Genesis 8.1 女性
扶他那里 G9F
G8F Trixy 套装
Gabriel Flipped Hair for Genesis 9 和 8 Male
Galeexa HD for Genesis 8.1 Female
创世记 8 和 8.1 女性的 HD Body Burns 2
Genesis 9 高清乳头
全息包 02
深入剖析 - G9 的面部变形
Genesis 8 和 8.1 Female 的 dForce Offset Top 放纵
JASA Ariel for Genesis 8 和 8.1 女性
Genesis 8 和 8.1 的 JASA Xylia
JASA Zella for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Female
Nathan 9 的 JW 强度表达式
Kayla 高跟鞋,适用于 Genesis 9、8 和 8.1
KOO Jeff HD 创世记 9
Lalis 连裤袜 Classic for Genesis 9
LNY Queen Isadora dForce Outfit for Genesis 9
适用于 Genesis 3、8 和 8.1 的 MMX Face Paint 2
下一级装备 Genesis 8 和 8.1F
创世记 9 的表型
Predatron 天竺葵植物
Proximate for dForce Next Level Outfit for Genesis 8 和 8.1 Female(s)
公路爱好者为 Nathan 9 和 XI Classic Cruiser 摩托车摆姿势
适用于 Genesis 8 和 8.1 女性的 Roc 车身套件
Sg 无聊 20 动画
Sg 无聊 21 动画
Sg Bored 6 创世记 9 动画
崇高时尚 CruX Obsession G8
TDT-Aisha for Genesis 8 女性
创世纪 9 的时代
创世记 9 的完全控制
百宝箱 G8F-V8
Genesis 8 Female 郁金香底装
UltraHD Iray HDRI With DOF - 黑暗城堡
VERSUS - dForce Offset Top Genesis 8 和 8.1F
为 Genesis 8 女性设计的 Voila dForce 连衣裙
X Fashion Genesis 9 精致内衣套装
Genesis 8 女款 X-Fashion 热带印花
X-Fashion 新婚之夜内衣
XI Classic Cruiser 摩托车
Z 为创世纪 8 和 9 打架和和解的情侣姿势
Z Pure Sensations - Genesis 3 和 8 Female 的姿势和偏音
Z Ultimate Dance Collection - Genesis 3 和 8 的姿势和偏音
创世纪 8、8.1 和 9 的零二装备
7th Ave dforce - Flamenco Nights for G8F
A Path to Somewhere
Abyssinian for Cat Mars
Ada Wong for G8F and G8.1F Plus Ada Wong Agent Outfit
Animal Jabo
Apartment Laundry Room
Asian Spirit
BELLA The Living Doll Character Kit
BLACKHAT - CruX Obsession G8
Bounty Hunter for Genesis 8 Females
Bulldozer The Beast
Capua Roman Arena for DAZ
CB Fleur Character, Clothing, and Texture Expansion Bundle
CruX Obsession G8
Curve Appeal Outfit for Genesis 9
CW_Celduin for Genesis 8 Male
CW_Ellarian for Genesis 8 Male
CW_Viljo for Genesis 8 Male
D-Force Spring 6 for G8F and G8.1F
D-Force SummerTime 11 for G8F and G8.1F
Declan Character Morph for Genesis 8 Male
dForce - Dolman Dress for G8F
dforce - FairyTale - Genesis 8
dForce - Fayette Dress for G8Fs
dForce - Flamenco Nights for G8F
dforce - Sunday - Genesis 8
dForce - The Shift for G8Fs
dForce 1969 Outfit for Genesis 8 Male(s)
dForce Adventure Style Outfit for Genesis 9
dForce Adventure Style Outfit Texture Add-On
dForce Hazel Lingerie Outfit for Genesis 9, 8, and 8.1
dForce Nancy Stylish Outfit for Genesis 9, 8, and 8.1
dForce Nancy Stylish Outfit Texture Add-On
dForce Offset Top Genesis 8 and 8.1F
dForce Posey Outfit for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females
dForce Smart Style Outfit for Genesis 9
dForce Summertime Party Dress
Diverse for Spring 6 for G8F and G8.1F
Dwynwen For Genesis 8 Female
Faxhion - dForce The Shift
FG Bed Poses
Freya for Genesis 8.1 Female
Futanari G9F
G8F Trixy Outfit
Gabriel Flipped Hair for Genesis 9 and 8 Male
Galeexa HD for Genesis 8.1 Female
Growler A Pro
HD Body Burns 2 for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females
HD Nipples for Genesis 9
Hologram Pack 02
In Depth Anatomy - Face Morphs for G9
Indulgent for dForce Offset Top for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Female(s)
JASA Ariel for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Female
JASA Xylia for Genesis 8 and 8.1
JASA Zella for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Female
JW Strength Expressions for Nathan 9
Kayla High Heels for Genesis 9, 8, and 8.1
KOO Jeff HD for Genesis 9
Lalis Pantyhose Classic for Genesis 9
LNY Queen Isadora dForce Outfit for Genesis 9
MMS Animation Hot 521
MMS Animation Hot 522
MMS Animation Love 16
MMX Face Paint 2 for Genesis 3, 8, and 8.1
Nathan 9 HD
Next Level Outfit Genesis 8 and 8.1F
Phenotypes for Genesis 9
Posing Fast Track
Predatron Geranium Plants
Proximate for dForce Next Level Outfit for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Female(s)
Road Lover Poses for Nathan 9 and XI Classic Cruiser Motorcycle
Roc Body Kit for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Female
Sg Bored 20 Animations
Sg Bored 21 Animation
Sg Bored 6 Animation for Genesis 9
STZ Small room 6
Sublime Fashion CruX Obsession G8
TDT-Aisha for Genesis 8 Female
Temple Of The Sun
The Age for Genesis 9
The Dirt Road
Total Control for Genesis 9
Treasure Chest G8F-V8
Tulip Base Outfit for Genesis 8 Female
UFC_MMA_Stadium for DAZ
UltraHD Iray HDRI With DOF - Dark Castle
VERSUS - dForce Offset Top Genesis 8 and 8.1F
Voila dForce dress for Genesis 8 Females
Wood Slat Houses
WWII German Submarine
X Fashion Exquisite Lingerie Set for Genesis 9
X-Fashion Tropical Print for Genesis 8 Female(s)
X-Fashion Wedding Night Lingerie
XI Classic Cruiser Motorcycle
XI Sci-Fi Lab
Z Fighting and Reconciling Couple Poses for Genesis 8 and 9
Z Pure Sensations - Poses and Partials for Genesis 3 and 8 Female
Z Ultimate Dance Collection - Poses and Partials for Genesis 3 and 8
Zero Two Outfit for Genesis 8, 8.1, and 9
Zero Two Performance Customize
Zero Two Performance Variety
Zero Two Training Customize
Zero Two Training Variety
发布日期: 2023-06-06