CG数据库 >> Cinema4D GSG 灰猩猩教程使用C4D Mospline创建雨伞和动画教程

Cinema4D GSG 灰猩猩教程使用C4D Mospline创建雨伞和动画教程

在本教程中,我将告诉你如何找到经常被忽略的Cinema 4D Mospline对象,我们将使用Mospline创建和动画一把伞!首先,我将使用一些Mosplines和放样对象建立我们的伞。



In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how you can find a very handy use for the often ignored Cinema 4D Mospline object.

In this instance, we’ll use Mospline to create and animate an umbrella! First I’ll set up our umbrella using a few Mosplines and a Loft Object.

Next, we’ll animate our umbrella using a Pose Morph tag.

If you’re not familiar with Pose Morph, be sure to check out my tutorial on how powerful it is! Finally, I’ll show off some fun options inside Mosplines like the ability to have Mosplines be affected by particle forces like Turbulence and Wind.

If you have any questions, be sure to post it in the comments section and if you create anything cool using this technique, be sure to share it with me! Thanks for watching!


发布日期: 2016-04-16