CG数据库 >> 地下水资源和地下水污染模拟软件  Aquaveo GMS 7.1.8


GMS 是可利用的最复杂的和最包罗万象的地下水模型软件! 在美国政府机关,私人公司和超过90个国家以上的国际性组织,都已有用了成千上万的用户在使用GMS,它已经被证明是十分有效的和令人兴奋的模型系统。 GMS 每状态地下水模拟提供包括位置描述,模型发展,口径测定,后处理和可视化的工具。

GMS supports both finite-difference and finite-element models in 2D and 3D including MODFLOW 2000, MODPATH, MT3DMS/RT3D, SEAM3D, ART3D, UTCHEM, FEMWATER, PEST, UCODE, MODAEM and SEEP2D. Regardless of your modeling needs, GMS has the tools!

The program’s modular design enables the user to select modules in custom combinations, allowing the user to choose only those groundwater modeling capabilities that are required. Additional GMS modules can be purchased and added at any time. The software will dynamically link to these subsequent modules at run time—automatically adding additional modeling capability to the software.

GMS 7.0的最新特性包括:

User interface enhancements

Display Options dialog

Display Themes

Feature object select tool

Image pyramids

Horizon enhancements

Zone-based flow budget utility

Flow Budget vs Time plot

MODFLOW Lake package


MODFLOW - support for larger models

Project File Format

Import / Export

Project Templates

MODPATH enhancements

MT3DMS 5.0 with TOBS package

Mass calculator for transport solutions

Gaussian field generator

Borehole folders

Borehole hydrogeologic units

Automatic cross-section generation

MODAEM flow observations

Statistical analysis of stochastic MODFLOW/MT3D solutions

Material sets that are user-defined

LPF package update "vertical leakage corrections"

Conductance varies with time

MODFLOW CCF to spreadsheet or data sets

SEEP2D conceptual model

Sensitivity post-processing

Create 3D scatter points tool

Residuals added to stochastic simulation text file

T-PROGS probability data sets

MODAEM file export

Multiplier arrays

发布日期: 2010-12-6