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中文名: 顶级绘画教程 Gnomon The Techniques of Puddnhead Vol.2

地区: 美国

对白语言: 英语


Gnomon The Techniques of Puddnhead Vol.2 (顶级绘画教程-Painter):

Gnomon Workshop 好莱坞姊妹部从来不缺乏国际着名设计师出品的艺术殿堂级别的教程,The Techniques of Puddnhead Volume 2: Digital Creature Painting将带领你进入专业级手绘艺术家殿堂的一捷径以及良好技术指导视频教程。


The Techniques of Puddnhead Volume 2: Digital Creature Painting

Puddnhead表现手法技巧卷二:数字角色的着色-Corel Painter教程-高清晰

在这个教程中,Puddnhead展示如何使用Corel Painter将铅笔画转变成的数字着色。他展示他处理过程的每一步骤,从上底色到最终渲染完成。Puddnhead展示他通过结合工具和层来创建更好的发光的全部诀窍,着色更好的边缘,渲染更为细节,在着色中增加更多的鲜活成份。实现高级照明,创建情绪气氛。通过高清晰视频的详细讲解与演示设计全过程,翔实的授予大家大师级的设计技法!如果你想从一张手绘艺术图通过Corel Painter转为电脑数字图,那这张教程正是你所需要的!如下的最终效果图,就是一步一步通过本教程来完成的。

“Puddnhead's high level of draftsmanship is a delight to watch and learning how to approach figurative painting within Painter 9.0 make this another unique and beneficial addition to the Analog library.”

In this DVD, Puddnhead shows you how to transform a pencil drawing into a digital painting using Corel Painter. He reveals every step of his process, from underpainting to the finished rendering. Puddnhead shows all of his tricks for creating a better glow by combining tools and layering, painting better edges, rendering small details, adding more life to your paintings, implementing advanced lighting, creating mood and emotion, and knowing when a painting is finished.









01. Rough Underpainting

02. Underpainting and Head Detailing

03. Establishing Form, Upper Torso Detailing

04. Adding Light from Below

05. Reassessing Color and Lower Lighting

06. Detailing, Highlights and Texture

07. Final Detailing, Adding Spades, Clean-up

关于作者Puddnhead:Puddnhead现为好莱坞艺术部从事概念艺术研发工作,同时为卢卡斯影业、索尼影视数字娱乐有限公司、华纳兄弟、Warner Bros. Records、Fox电影公司、哥伦比亚电影公司、Vivendi Universal 游戏公司、Imaginary Forces, Hasbro, New Line Cinema, Sierra Games, Troika Games, Electronic Arts, Interplay Entertainment, Black Isle Studios, Big Huge Games...这些国际上耳熟能详的公司从事设计开发工作。他亲手参与设计过的好莱坞电影有:《刀锋战士3》《地狱男爵》《蜘蛛侠2》《哈利波特3》《范海辛》《劫梦惊魂》《戴帽子的猫》《夜魔侠》《绿巨人浩克》《加勒比海盗》等...Dreamworks 软件的Logo也由他设计。and developed designs for the "Return of the Mummy" ride at the Universal Studios Theme Park in Florida!

《顶级绘画教程 Gnomon The Techniques of Puddnhead Vol.2》的图片1
《顶级绘画教程 Gnomon The Techniques of Puddnhead Vol.2》的图片2

发布日期: 2011-1-23