CG数据库 >> 《极品绚丽LOGO标识 AE模板》videohive crysis v2 946341


videohive crysis v2 946341

You don’t need any plugins to run this project

Crysis V.2 is a great opener for video productions, presentations, product showcases, portfolios,logo openers, and more.

This project is made in FullHD (1920X1080) and HD (1280X720) resolution.

All you have to do is customize the logo and text and you are ready to export your new animation, video tutorial is included to help you through customization process.

ALL elements are animated in AE, this allows you to change everything, colors, speed, duration, shapes, and see how all elements are built.

-Prerendered Optical Flares,Trapcode 3D Stroke,Trapcode Shine,Trapcode Particular

-Video tutorial included (how to change all colors,logo,tagline)

-Change all colors

This amazing logo and tagline texture is created by very talented author




《极品绚丽LOGO标识 AE模板》videohive crysis v2 946341的图片1
《极品绚丽LOGO标识 AE模板》videohive crysis v2 946341的图片2
《极品绚丽LOGO标识 AE模板》videohive crysis v2 946341的图片3

发布日期: 2012-6-27