CG数据库 >> 《仿真驱动概念设计工具》solidThinking Evolve 9.0

solidThinking的产品包括为设计师开发的solidThinking Eovlve——高度集成的三维概念建模及渲染环境;以及为工程师及建筑设计师开发的solidThinking Inpsire——独一无二的以仿真驱动概念设计的工具。CG数据库整理。

solidThinking Evolve 9.0

From your sketches to the final surfaces, solidThinking Evolve is a comprehensive NURBS-based 3D modeling and rendering environment for Windows and Mac that delivers all the necessary tools for the creation of high-quality, manufacturable models and the power to render them with unsurpassed photorealism. Based on our industry-leading ConstructionTree™ technology, the modeling process in solidThinking Evolve grants you the greatest freedom to experiment with shapes and innovate.






《仿真驱动概念设计工具》solidThinking Evolve 9.0的图片1

发布日期: 2012-7-26