CG数据库 >> 《三维建模软件》Luxology Modo 601 SP3





modo的三维绘画(Paint)工具在三维环境中提供了一套最自然的绘画经验。多线程性能、完善的用户界面、世界一流的工具,以及材质树(Shader Tree)直接能对任何一种图像进行绘画,使得在modo里对模型进行贴图纹理绘制变得轻而易举。


modo的世界级的渲染可以制作出绚丽的图像和稳固的动画,以及遵循于自然光线的真实渲染。在Mac 和 PC上令人难以置信的快速和充分多线程渲染可以产生出超高解析度的影像。




modo中内置真正三维的雕刻 工具,这意味着您可以使用这些工具改变传统的建模方式,创造出高精度品质的模型。




电影电视特效,建筑设计,工业设计,动画 ,包装设计,出版印刷和游戏开发人员是成千上万每天在世界各地使用modo的用户中的一部分。modo最具吸引人的地方就是它具有一套最佳组合的功能以及完善的工作流程。

modo 601 delivers character animation, dynamics, retopology modeling and rendering advances, plus a wide variety of workflow enhancements. We hope to show you how modo is the uniquely creative tool for artists and designers.

Important Note to recoil soft body users:

Several important changes were made to improve the stability of recoil in modo 601 sp3, however a side-effect of these changes is that scenes containing soft bodies that were created in earlier versions of 601 will not behave the same in 601 sp3. Therefore, if you have any such scenes, we recommend that you keep a copy of modo 601 sp2 installed as a fall back for those scenes.

About Luxology

Luxology, LLC is an independent technology group based in Silicon Valley consisting of many of the most notable brains in the field of 3D modeling and rendering. Founded in 2001 by Allen Hastings, Stuart Ferguson and Brad Peebler, Luxology employs a team that includes some of the top engineering talent on the planet. Luxology is best known for its award-winning software, modo. The company also licenses its Nexus software architecture to various technology partners, primarily in the CAD and Entertainment industries.






《三维建模软件》Luxology Modo 601 SP3的图片1
《三维建模软件》Luxology Modo 601 SP3的图片2

发布日期: 2012-8-18