CAE仿真技术正引领着广大制造业企业的创新设计,提升产品的核心竞争力。作为全球领先的CAE技术供应商Altair工程软件公司 通过其旗舰产品HyperWorks企业级仿真平台帮助制造业企业加速产品创新,同时降低生产成本。经过一年多的精心研发,新增Altair 最新收购的动力总成分析软件SimLab和流体分析CFD软件AcuSolve后,HyperWorks 11.0将傲视登场,为制造业企业带来超值的CAE技术体验。
更完善的企业级CAE仿真方案——新增专业的动力总成分析和流体分析解决方案,实现在同一个平台上精确完成多学科仿真; 更强健的CAE优化仿真技术——在同一个环境下实现结构和多体动力学优化功能,进一步提升前后处理功能和优化技术,提升客户的创新效率; 功能强大的CAE求解器技术——快速、精确而可靠的结构有限元分析、流体动力学及流固耦合求解技术; 更超值的投资回报率——HyperWorks11.0 包括全新的模块和更多的HWPA合作伙伴产品,帮助客户以有限的资源完成更多的创新研发。
HyperWorks built on a foundation of design optimization, performance data management and process automation, for rapid design exploration and decision-making.
As the most comprehensive, open-architecture CAE solution in the industry, HyperWorks includes best-in-class modeling, analysis, visualization and data management solutions for linear and non-linear, structural optimization, fluid-structure interaction, and multi-body dynamics applications.
This updates included:
- HW11.0.131-HWDesktop Update (HW11.0.130-HWDesktop mast be pre-installed!)
- HW11.0.240-HWSolvers Update
- HW11.0.420-HyperCrash Update
- HW11.0.130-AbaqusODBv612 Update
About Altair
Altair Engineering, Inc. empowers client innovation and decision-making through technology that optimizes the analysis, management and visualization of business and engineering information. Privately held with more than 1,300 employees, Altair has offices throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia/Pacific. With a 20-year-plus track record for enterprise analytics, product development, and advanced computing, Altair consistently delivers a competitive advantage to customers in a broad range of industries.
发布日期: 2012-8-25