CG数据库 >> 影视后期特效合成软件7.0V7版 The Foundry NUKEX v7.0V7 WIN64/MacOSX64/Linux64 X...

本软件是由The Foundry公司出品的影视后期特效合成软件7.0V7版,The Foundry NUKEX v7.0V7 WIN64/MacOSX64/Linux64 XFORCE,大小:188 MB + 294 MB + 413 MB,支持Win、MacOSX与Linux64位系统,语言:英语。

NUKE是一个获得学院奖(Academy Award)的数码合成软件。已经经过10年的历练,为艺术家们提供了创造具有高质素的相片效果的图像的方法。NUKE无需专门的硬件平台,但却能为艺术家提供组合和操作扫描的照片,视频板以及计算机生成的图像的灵活、有效、节约和全功能的工具。在数码领域,NUKE已被用于近百部影片和数以百计的商业和音乐电视,NUKE具有先进的将最终视觉效果与电影电视的其余部分无缝结合的能力,无论所需应用的视觉效果是什么风格或者有多复杂。Nuke合成软件参与制作的著名影视有:I, Robot 机械公敌、《极限特工》xXx、《泰坦尼克号》、T-2、《阿波罗13》、《真实的谎言》、《X战警》等...

The Foundry NUKEX v7.0V7 WIN64/MacOSX64/Linux64 XFORCE

Our NUKE products are powerful, award-winning compositing tools that deliver unparalleled speed and first-class feature sets unrivalled in the desktop market. If you're in the business of creating high-quality film, animation, commercial or broadcast content, The Foundry's NUKE products, backed by a large, global pool of trained talent, will bring speed, functionality and flexibility to your pipeline.

NUKEX features the core NUKE toolset complimented with exclusive cutting edge tools to ease day to day compositing tasks without having to leave the package. Highlights include:

Best in class industry standard nodal compositing

Linear colour pipeline and multi-channel workflow, for film grade results and flexible CG compositing

Open and customisable, featuring OpenEXR support, Python scripting for pipeline integration, C APIs for custom image processing and more

Comprehensive 3D workspace featuring projection mapping, particles, camera tracking and more, blurring the line between comp and CG to help you turn around shots faster and maintaining shot flexibility until late in your pipeline

Cutting edge future proofing development, including support for upcoming technologies such as deep image processing.

NUKE 7.0 highlights

Unrivalled speed and power - NUKE 7.0 features RAM playback cache to give artists real-time playback and GPU acceleration to speed up interactive processing when dealing with Motionblur, Kronos, Denoise, VectorGenerator, Convolve and ZDefocus.

Day to day compositing the way you want it - NUKE’s roto tools have been entirely redefined to enhance performance and improve stereo support, and the latest release also now includes Primatte 5, a new 2D tracker and support for ARRIRAW and the latest R3D SDK. The SplineWarp node and DopeSheet have also benefited from major improvements.

Blurring the line between 2D and 3D - With NUKE 7.0 artists can now relight renders in the comp environment using the Relight node and even model using NUKEX's new ModelBuilder, reducing the need to roundtrip to another tool or hand work off to other departments. NUKE’s Deep compositing workflow benefits from the addition of OpenEXR 2.0 and the 3D system welcomes the Alembic file format.

影视后期特效合成软件7.0V7版 The Foundry NUKEX v7.0V7 WIN64/MacOSX64/Linux64 X...的图片1

发布日期: 2013-6-10