CG数据库 >> PS锐化插件V1.0.2版

本插件是由intelligentimagingsolutions机构出品的PS锐化插件V1.0.2版,Piccure v1.0.2 For Adobe Photoshop CC Win32 Win64,大小:75 MB,支持PS CC软件,支持Win32与64位系统,语言:英语。

Piccure for Adobe Photoshop是一款运行于Adobe Photoshop下的去模糊差距,号称是抖动照片克星!可以帮助你快速的将因抖动等问题拍摄出的模糊照片自动修复,重新变的清晰锐利!插件使用非常简单,只需要导入图片,然后在PS下打开滤镜,然后程序会自动修复,并给出修复前后的对比照片,当然,自动修复肯定尽如人意,所以你还可以使用Advance Option高级选项来手动修改!天天小编试了下,效果还是非常不错的。大家看一下下面的对比照片!

Piccure v1.0.2 For Adobe Photoshop CC Win32 Win64

Piccure is a plugin for Adobe Photoshop, which is designed to eliminate blurry photos arisen due to camera shake during handheld shooting, or from an incorrectly lighting! The tool selects the part of the image and uses some complicated calculations to determine how the camera was shaking when you take the picture, and then removes the blur as if by magic!


发布日期: 2013-8-3