CG数据库 >> Mudbox中Retopology使用技术视频教程

本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Mudbox中Retopology使用技术视频教程,Digital-Tutors Retopology Techniques in Mudbox,时长:45分,大小:784 MB,FLV高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Mudbox 2014,作者:Justin Marshall,共8个章节,官方发布日期:2013年8月,语言:英语。

Autodesk® Mudbox™ 2014软件对绘画工具集进行了显著增强,并提供了独立于UV和拓扑的全新工作流程、实用的姿态工具以及更强的性能和大型数据集处理能力,能够帮助消除常见的制作挑战。Mudbox 2014现在支持Linux®操作系统,能够与欧特克®娱乐创作套件2014中的产品实现一步式互操作,并且可以更好地兼容Adobe® Photoshop®软件。它还提供了灵活的新特性集,能够更无缝地集成到工作室的工作流程中。此外,扩展的创意工具集现在拥有可绘制的图层遮罩、可编辑的模板(stencil)以及全新的笔刷和笔刷选项,能够在不影响艺术发挥自由度的情况下提高工作效率。


Digital-Tutors Retopology Techniques in Mudbox

With the advent of the high-resolution sculpting workflow using programs like Mudbox the modeled assets we create can sometimes be difficult to send through a production pipeline in their native state.

For this reason, various tools are normally used to create a new, more pipeline-friendly topology for the model. There are different methods for creating this geometry and it’s important that the method we use be quick, efficient and give us the control we require. In this course, we’ll cover the tools in Mudbox 2014 that enable us to modify the topology of our sculpted meshes.

We’ll start by learning about the automatic Retopologize operation and how it can be used to quickly create a new edge flow. We’ll learn to use curves to help guide the new topology and discuss some specific scenarios in which new topology might be required. We’ll learn about projecting different kinds of detail into the new meshes. We’ll also learn about using curves to create clothing or accessories as well as new mesh topology and finish up by learning to reduce our geometry for possible export.

In the end, you’ll have a solid idea of the tools available for creating new topology in Mudbox 2014.


发布日期: 2013-8-12