CG数据库 >> PS数字动态工笔画视频教程

本教程是由CreativeLive机构出品的PS数字动态工笔画视频教程,Ctrl+Paint Dynamic Brushwork,时长:1小时,大小:449MB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Photoshop,语言:英语。


Ctrl+Paint Dynamic Brushwork

There’s a challenging threshold for beginners to cross as they learn to digital paint: dynamic brush strokes. It’s a pretty linear process as you learn to make smooth, crisp, rendering with the basic three brushes. Taking the leap to active, dynamic, strokes can seem daunting. That’s where the newest edition to the Ctrl+Paint store comes in: Dynamic Brushwork. Don’t expect to flail about with stylus in hand – my goal was to provide a structured framework to achieve expressive results.


发布日期: 2013-9-11