CG数据库 >> PS图像无损放大滤镜Alien Skin Blow Up V3.0.0.691版

本插件是由alienskin机构出品的PS图像无损放大滤镜Alien Skin Blow Up V3.0.0.691版,Alien Skin Blow Up Revision 24190 Win32 Win64,大小:38 MB,支持Photoshop软件,支持Win32与64位系统,语言:英语。

BlowUp是一款高质量图像无损放大插件,其功能优于双三次插值和任何第三方解决方案。BlowUp使高级图像缩放变得易如反掌,它可以将图像放大至1600%甚至3600%,而不会留下明显的修饰痕迹。BlowUp支持包括CMYK的多种图像格式,同样支持16比特和32比特的图像,并可用于多核和多处理器的系统。 能够满足专业摄影师、业余摄影师及美术设计师等的图像处理要求。非常适合于大型陈列图片印刷、影像格式印刷和大型户外广告等等。(PS:无损放大是不可能的,只是看修复和插值算法的优劣而已。总体而言,在众多放大插件里,这款的效果是不错的。)

图像无损放大插件Alien Skin BlowUp v3新功能介绍:

1:进一步提高Blow Up 3无损放大图像后的质量。

2:Blow Up 3增加对Lightroom的支持。

3:界面更加简洁易用,比以前的Blow Up 2优化和简洁许多。

4:Blow Up 3运行速度更快,改进运行算法。

Alien Skin Blow Up Revision 24190 Win32 Win64

Blow Up includes advanced features such as photo grain controls, enlargement-specific sharpening, and support for most image modes. Blow Up also supports 16- and 32-bit images, is optimized for multi-core and multi-processor systems, and works with most image modes, including CMYK. These features make Blow Up perfect for a professional photographer creating gallery prints from digital photos, as well as an amateur photographer creating a poster from a favorite snapshot. Graphic designers can now easily scale Web graphics up to print resolution or rescale everyday images for large format printing and outdoor advertising.

PS图像无损放大滤镜Alien Skin Blow Up V3.0.0.691版的图片1

发布日期: 2013-10-12