CG数据库 >> Vegas音乐MTV项目视频编辑制作教程

本教程是由VTC机构出品的Vegas音乐MTV项目视频编辑制作教程,VTC Sony Vegas Pro 12 Course,时长:8小时,大小:2.9 GB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Vegas Pro 12,作者:Mark Struthers,官方发布时间:2012年12月21日,语言:英语。

Sony Vegas是一个专业影像编辑软件。超越 Premiere,挑战 After Effects。Sony Vegas集剪辑、特效、合成、Streaming一气呵成,结合高效率的操作介面与多功能的优异特性,让用户更简易地创造丰富的影像。将成为PC上最佳的入门级视频编辑软件。Vegas 为一整合影像编辑与声音编辑的软件,其中无限制的视轨与音轨,更是其他影音软件所没有的特性。在效益上更提供了视讯合成、进阶编码、转场特效、修剪、及动画控制等。不论是专业人士或是个人用户,都可因其简易的操作介面而轻松上手。此套视讯应用软件可说是数位影像、串流视讯、多媒体简报、广播等用户解决数位编辑之方案。

VTC Sony Vegas Pro 12 Course

Sony’s Vegas Pro 12 is the latest update to the extremely popular professional digital video editing software. In this VTC course, you will learn how to create a music video from video footage and audio files provided. As the course progresses, author and expert Mark Struthers will demonstrate the functions required for a music video project. He will illustrate various audio and video effects prior to looking at the Vegas Pro 12 Mixing Console. Focusing on certain sections of the music video, the course aims to teach you techniques and skills that you can use in practice on the provided work files and then on your own projects as your skill in Vegas improves.



发布日期: 2013-11-16