CG数据库 >> 远古图腾艺术综合制作视频教程

本视频教程是由Gnomon机构出品的远古图腾艺术制作视频教程,The Gnomon Workshop The Making of Totem,大小:1.73 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:ZBrush, Maya, Photoshop, SpeedTree,作者:Alex Alvarez,共17个章节,语言:英语。


Maya 是目前世界上最为优秀的三维动画的制作软件之一,主要是为了影视应用而研发的,所以在出世后不久就在《精灵鼠小弟》、《恐龙》等这些大片中一展身手。除了影视方面的应用外Maya在三维动画制作,影视广告设计,多媒体制作甚至游戏制作领域都有很出色的表现。初识Maya 是目前世界上最为优秀的三维动画的制作软件之一,它是Alias|Wavefront公司在CG数据库1998年才推出的三维制作软件。虽然相对于其他老牌三维制作软件来说Maya还是一个新生儿,但Maya凭借其强大的功能,友好的用户界面和丰富的视觉效果,一经推出就引起了动画和影视界的广泛关注,成为顶级的三维动画制作软件。


The Gnomon Workshop The Making of Totem

The Making of ‘Totem’ : 3D World Cover, with Alex Alvarez

In this DVD, Alex Alvarez shares his workflow and techniques for creating ‘Totem’, a commissioned 3D illustration for the cover of 3D World magazine. Over five six of lecture, Alex delves into all aspects of how the image was created. Beginning with the initial design brief of a ‘stone head in a jungle’, Alex began with a series of sketches for approval. The 3D development began with the head in ZBrush, moving to terrain layout and camera setup in Maya. The terrain was then sculpted in ZBrush to finalize the foundation upon which all of the plants and trees would be placed. Scene lighting was then blocked out using Mental Ray’s physical sun/sky system, while designing the areas of illumination and shadow using a library of trees created with Onyx. Plants and trees were created using SpeedTree, including custom assets such as hanging vines and ground ivy. The moss that grows upon the stone head, as well as the tree branches, was creating interactively in Maya with custom PaintFX brushes. Further areas of discussion include texturing, shaders, the SP Paint script, nDo, Quixel Megascan, ZDepth, Volume Fog and final compositing in Photoshop. As an intermediate to advanced level lecture, artists who have seen Alex’s DVD series on natural environments will greatly benefit from this detailed overview of his creative and technical process.


发布日期: 2014-1-23