CG数据库 >> 恐怖地带片头AE模板

本AE模板是由VideoHive机构出品的恐怖地带片头AE模板,Videohive Horror XZone 6954932 Project for After Effects,大小:622 MB,格式:AEP,分辨率:1920x1080,使用软件版本:After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6。

Videohive Horror XZone 6954932 Project for After Effects

Hello Friends. This is my new project file ” My Wild Journey ”.

The project is designed to create photo albums about vacations, travels to exotic countries, beach tourism, safari, excursions to zoos, aquaparks, nature reserves and adventure trips. Also, this project can serve as a presentation of any activities, tours, products and other ideas related to the theme of travelling in a commercial/amusing/advertising or personal application.

No plugins required

29 placeholders for photo or video

Fast rendering

Easy customization

Helpful PDF instruction

Full HD resolution (1080p)

Duration – 2:42

CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC compatibility



发布日期: 2014-3-3