CG数据库 >> 黄金电光特效PS字幕

本PS模板是由GraphicRiver机构出品的黄金电光特效PS字幕,Graphicriver electric glowing effect photoshop action 6648181,大小:28 MB,格式:PSD ATN ASL,包含黄金电光特效PS字幕PSD文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS5或以上版本。

Graphicriver electric glowing effect photoshop action 6648181

9 electric glowing effect actions : You can apply it to any of your own fonts or objects.

how does it work :

1 – go to electric glowing text effects.asl and make double click.

2 – go to electric glowing text effects.atn and make double click.

if you want to apply this action to a word , you have to make each letter in separate psd files , and assemble them on one psd file to get best result !!

the resolution of your document shoud be in 72 dpi ( 72 pixel/inch ) !

this action works only on black backgrounds !

if you want to add lens flar to text , make it in back of the text to get the best result !


发布日期: 2014-4-4