CG数据库 >> AutoCAD三维建模训练视频教程

本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的AutoCAD三维建模训练视频教程,Digital-Tutors Introduction to 3D Modeling in AutoCAD,时长:1小时4分,大小:190 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:AutoCAD 2014,作者:Pierre Derenoncourt,共12章,语言:英语。

AutoCAD(Auto Computer Aided Design)是美国Autodesk公司首次于1982年开发的自动计算机辅助设计软件,用于二维绘图、详细绘制、设计文档和基本三维设计。现已经成为国际上广为流行的绘图工具。AutoCAD具有良好的用户界面,通过交互菜单或命令行方式便可以进行各种操作。它的多文档设计环境,让非计算机专业人员也能很快地学会使用。在不断实践的过程中更好地掌握它的各种应用和开发技巧,从而不断提高工作效率。AutoCAD具有广泛的适应性,它可以在各种操作系统支持的微型计算机和工作站上运行。


Digital-Tutors Introduction to 3D Modeling in AutoCAD

In this set of tutorials we'll learn how to create a 3D model of a small residential project in AutoCAD.

We'll start of using an existing floor plan as a reference as we model the slab and exterior walls of our home. Next, we'll explore how to model windows and also create 3D blocks so that we can reuse this window throughout our project.

Once the windows are in place, we'll then model the exterior doors for both the front and back of the house. We'll then focus our attention to the interior and learn how to model interior walls, interior doors and entry ways. And finally, we'll learn a quick and easy way to model the roof of our home using the Extrude and Solidedit commands.

With these tips and techniques you'll gain a solid understanding of how to use the 3D tools that AutoCAD offers.


发布日期: 2014-4-8