本视频教程是由VTC机构出品的Mudbox 2013综合训练视频教程,VTC Autodesk Mudbox 2013 Course,时长:7小时,大小:2.21 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Mudbox 2013,作者:Dwayne Ferguson,共13个章节,,语言:英语。
Autodesk® Mudbox™ 2014软件对绘画工具集进行了显著增强,并提供了独立于UV和拓扑的全新工作流程、实用的姿态工具以及更强的性能和大型数据集处理能力,能够帮助消除常见的制作挑战。Mudbox 2014现在支持Linux®操作系统,能够与欧特克®娱乐创作套件2014中的产品实现一步式互操作,并且可以更好地兼容Adobe® Photoshop®软件。它还提供了灵活的新特性集,能够更无缝地集成到工作室的工作流程中。此外,扩展的创意工具集现在拥有可绘制的图层遮罩、可编辑的模板(stencil)以及全新的笔刷和笔刷选项,能够在不影响艺术发挥自由度的情况下提高工作效率。
VTC Autodesk Mudbox 2013 Course
Autodesk Mudbox is one of the leading digital sculpting and texture painting applications available to 3D professionals and enthusiasts. With an uncluttered workspace and powerful tools you can focus on creating amazing pieces of art. New to Mudbox 2013 are multipurpose curves that you can draw on your models or in the world space customizable workspaces hard edge and crease support (for use in conjunction with 3D applications that include this functionality). There is also support for tiled paint and sculpt detail the ability to flip and mirror your objects support for 16-bit Photoshop files and more. And behind the scenes are workflow enhancements like the new Gigatexel engine for working with more pixels than ever before. Now more than ever 3D artists have the tools they need to take their sculptures and textures to the next level. Professional illustrator television animation art director and writer Dwayne Ferguson gives you an in-depth look at Mudbox 2013 taking you through the tools and features you will need to master to take your 3D creativity to the next level.
发布日期: 2014-4-24